Jason Silic

Email: jason.silic.ee@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jason-silic-ee
Current Resume: link
Student webpage (not updated): http://cmosedu.com/jbaker/students/jason/jason.htm


Jason graduated in December of 2020 with a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Since then he has been added to his professional programming experience at Thermo Fisher, where he works as an embedded software engineer. He enjoys working close to the hardware: serial drivers, ADC code, and handling large amounts of binary data for firmware update logic. In addition, he is a proficient GUI programmer and is passionate about supporting team members with effective tools for efficient product development.
His academic interests included IC design and layout, software development, and a little bit of communications/EM. In the past he worked as a software engineer in the nuclear medicine industry. As hobbies he enjoys piano, hiking, and (yes, more programming!) game development.

While at UNLV Jason was able to participate in various IC design projects. For Senior Design a simple CPU, complete with SRAM memory, basic arithmetic/logic operations (E.g., addition, subtraction, bitwise operatios, conditional jumps, shifts), and I/O functions was developed with the Cadence Virtuoso software. A PCB test board was also designed to test this chip. (Project info can be found on the cadence page: project report, design files, readme.) Other projects include layout of a simple (modified) SPI interface as a research assistant and design, layout, and testing of a 6-bit current-mode ADC as a Thesis project.

He has extensive experience in software engineering as well and has programmed as a hobby and professionally for over ten years. Languages include C++, C#, MySQL, Python, Lua, and a smattering of web technologies (HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP). He enjoys setting up web servers for his personal projects and continues to learn new things in Unreal Engine 4.

Education and Career:


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Student Projects:

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Below is a simple arcade game project to learn Javascript and HTML5. A version for mobile devices is available here. A fullscreen desktop version is available here. Can you reach 100,000 score on Normal difficulty?


Hints: Powerup bonuses come in three types and except for the first two will cycle to a different powerup every few seconds. Yellow will upgrade your cannon, which is effective against both ground and air targets. Blue will upgrade your health and shield regeneration. Red will give you homing missiles. Each of the three categories can be upgraded four times. Choose your upgrades wisely! Your shields regenerate much faster when you are not firing. Use this fact to regain lost hitpoints during pauses in the action.